We know a lot of you are stuck at home right now, and that can be frustrating for everyone. But it is so lucky for your pets! We’re sure they are loving all of the extra attention and walks. If you’re looking for a little project to treat your pets, check out this ultra simple recipe for dog treat muffins! It’s a one bowl recipe with very minimal effort.

1 egg
1/4 cup peanut butter (make sure you’re not using sugar-free, as that usually contains Xylitol, which is toxic to dogs)
1/4 cup coconut oil, melted
1/3 cup honey (optional)
1 cup shredded carrots
1 cup flour
1 teaspoon baking soda

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Mix all ingredients in a large mixing bowl, making sure to fold in the carrots last. Scoop into a greased muffin tin, and bake for about 35 minutes. Let cool before feeding to your dog. They can be kind of large, so try not to give your dogs too many. Maybe break them into pieces and feed one muffin over the course of a couple of days. You could make a double batch and freeze ’em, too! They defrost very well in the fridge overnight. If you end up making these, post a photo on Facebook or Instagram and tag us!
Side note: They make decent human snacks, too!